

Vad ar det att vara engelsk?
I Sverige hyllas ju monokultur, inavel och
alla inskrankningar i m[ngfalden av partier
som Sverigedemokrater.

I England finns ju en marklig monkultur dar
man forsoker att vara mer mono an de andra.

Storbrittanien ar ju en gata utan historien.

Idag intervjuas tre britter i Independent och sager:

David Davidson, Scotsman,
Im not sure there is a such thing as Englishness, it varies
so much. Scots dont walk through Glaskow in a kilt on the
whole, ande the English no longer walk through London in
funny hats.

Rob Brydon, Welschman,
Scots asy:The Englieh can take our land, but they can never
teke our freedom.
The Welsh say:You have taken our land dont forget our free-
dom before you go. Thanks for coming!

Dara O Brian, Irishman,
London is hosting the Olypics, yet you all talk about who terrible
the country is...and there is that giggly, Carry On attitude to sex,
that is unique. But you dont realise any of this.

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