

Brutal roman

En sommar med Lehane har innburit läsning
av Sacred och Darkness, take my hand. Den
senare något av det mest brutala jag läst.
I en  dialog i boken pratar huvudpersonen
med Gerry (vilket senare i boken får en myck-
et obehaglig konfirmation)om hög och låg moral:
-I say Martin Luther King´s was worth a lot more than
-So if you are able to judge the worth of an another
 human life, you are yourself,superior to that life?
-Not necessatily.
-Are you better than Hitler?
-Better tha me?
-You are not a killer, Gerrry.
-Is that how you judge?You´re better than someone
 who kills or order to kill?
-If those killings are done to victims who pose no real
 physical threatto the killer or the person who orders the
 killing, then yes. I am better than them.
-So you superior to Alexander, Ceasar, several US presi-
 dents, a few popes?

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