

50 år sedan
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Fifty years ago. Det är alltid intressant läsning.
Läs här ett utdrag ur A B Spellmans intervju med Malcolm X.
You often use the word revolution, is there a revolution underway
in America today?
Malcolm X:
There hasn´t been. Revolution is like a forest fire. It burns Everything
in its path. The people who are involved in a revolution don´t become
a part of the system- they destroy the system, they change the system.
The genuine word for a revolution is Unwälzung which means a complete
overturning and a complete change and the Negro Revolution is no revo-
lution because it condemns the system and then asks the system that it
has condemned to accept them into their system.
That´s not a revolution- a revolution changes the system, it destroys the
system and replaces it with a better one. It´s like a forest fire like I said-
it burns everything in its path and the only way to stop a revolution is to
ignite a fire that you Control and use it against the fire that is burning out
of control. What the White man in America has done, he realizes that the-
re is a Black Revolution all over the world- a non-white revolution all over
the world- and he sees it sweeping down upon America and in order to hold
it back he ignited an artificial fire which he has namned the Negro Revolt and
he is using the Negro Revolt against the real Black Revolution that is going on
all over this earth.
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