

En annan syn på verkligheten
I det stora radikala mörkret skriver titt som tätt den
gamle Chomsky hoppfullt om vad som händer:
But I Think, if you investigate the Occupy movements
and you ask them whar are their demands, they are
reticnet to answer and rightly so, because they are
essentially crafting a Point of view from many disparate
sources. Ande one of the striking features of the move-
ment has simply been the Creation of cooperative comm-
unities-something very much lacking in an atomized, dis-
integrated society- that included general assemblies that
carry out extensive discussions, kitchens, libraries, support
sytems and so on.
All of that is a work in progress leading to communite structures
that, if they can spred out into the broader Community and retain
their vitality, could be very important.
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